Projekta nosaukums: “Latvija – Norvēģija. Atklāj tautas mūzikas tradīcijas” Projekta nr.: EEZLV04/GSKA/2013/24 Projekta īstenotājs: Siguldas Mākslu skola “Baltais Flīģelis” Projekta partneri: Nestunas stīgu orķestris, Bergenā, Norvēģijā Kopējie plānotie projekta izdevumi: 57 000.00 EUR Finansējuma avoti: EEZ Finanšu instruments, LR Kultūras ministrija, Siguldas novada dome Projekta sākums: 10.2014. |
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Izskanējuši projekta Siguldas un Bergenas jauno mūziķu sadarbības koncerti
Ar skanīgiem koncertiem 8.oktobrī Vidzemes koncertzālē Cēsīs un 9.oktobrī Siguldā, koncertzālē “Baltais Flīģelis” noslēdzās projekta “Latvija - Norvēģija. Atklāj tautas mūzikas tradīcijas” aktivitātes. Šis projekts bija lieliska iespēja Siguldas un Bergenas jauniešiem izzināt citas tautas tradīcijas un kultūru, satikties mūzikā, mācīties strādāt starptautiskā vidē, kā arī gūt lielu prieku un motivāciju turpmākai mūzikas instrumentu spēles apguvei.
2015.gada februārī Siguldas Jauniešu kamerorķestris un Siguldas Mākslu skolas “Baltais Flīģelis” koris viesojās Bergenā, Norvēģijā, kur slavenajā Grīga hallē sniedza kopīgu koncertu ar Nestunas stīgu orķestri, Bergenas zēnu un meiteņu koriem.
Koncertos Latvijā 2015.gada oktobrī piedalījās Siguldas Jauniešu kamerorķestris, Nestunas stīgu orķestris (Bergena, Norvēģija), Siguldas Mākslu Skolas “Baltais Flīģelis” koris, Cēsu 1.pamatskolas meiteņu koris CON ANIMA un Cēsu Valsts ģimnāzijas meiteņu koris VOLANTE. Diriģenti – Ilga Šķendere, Solveiga Vītoliņa, Sarah Fertig Wang un Pēteris Plūme.
Kopā projektā piedalījās vairāk kā 200 jaunie mūziķi no Latvijas un Norvēģijas. Koncertu programmās skanēja slavenā norvēģu komponista Edvarda Grīga skaņdarbi, kā arī latviešu un norvēģu tautas dziesmas apdarēs stīgu orķestrim un korim. Īpaši šim projektam komponisti Emīls Zilberts un Imants Zemzaris radīja 13 jaunas latviešu tautas dziesmu apdares.
Pēteris Plūme, Siguldas Jauniešu kamerorķestra diriģents:
“Šī muzikālā projekta mērķis bija atklājumi. Atklāt pašiem sev, kas mēs esam, kādas ir mūsu saknes. Atklāt ar mūziku un dziesmām, meklējot nozīmīgāko vēstures lappusēs un saglabāt to savās atmiņās.
Mums ir svarīgi lai Siguldā attīstās stīgu instrumentu spēle, kas ir Ziemeļeiropas un arī Vācijas visas mūzikas tradīcijas pamats. Tas balstās uz ilgstošā darbā iegūtām prasmēm, kas ļauj izpausties mūziķu sadarbības augstākajā un sarežģītākajā formā – simfoniskajā orķestrī. Ar lieliskiem projektiem un labām idejām arī turpmāk varēsim piesaistīt jauniešu uzmanību kultūrizglītībai.”
Projekts “Latvija - Norvēģija. Atklāj tautas mūzikas tradīcijas” tika realizēts EEZ programmas „Kultūras un dabas mantojuma saglabāšanas un atjaunināšana” neliela apjoma grantu shēmas “Kultūras apmaiņa” ietvaros, to līdzfinansēja LR Kultūras ministrija un Siguldas novada dome.
Projekta vadītāja Ilva Urbanoviča
Norvēģijas partnera Øyvind Andersen uzruna pēc projekta realizēšanas
Title of the Project: “Latvia - Norway. Discover Folk Tradition in Music” Project nr.: EEZLV04/GSKA/2013/24 Project applicant: Sigulda School of Arts “Baltais Flīģelis”, Sigulda Youth Chamber Orchestra Project partner: Nesttun String Orchestra, Bergen, Norway Total planned expenses of the Project: 57 000.00 EUR Sources of financing: EEA Finance instrument, Culture Ministry of Republic of Latvia, Sigulda District Council The Project begins: 10.2014. Duration of the Project: 15 months |
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Collaboration project of Sigulda and Bergen young musicians is coming to end
Projects “Latvia - Norway. Discover Folk Tradition in Music” activities were finished with two wonderful concerts in Vidzeme concert hall “Cēsis” in October 8, 2015 and Sigulda concert hall “Baltais Flīģelis”, October 9, 2015. This project was an excellent opportunity for Sigulda and Bergen young musicians to get familiar with traditions and culture of another nation, to meet each other in music, to learn working in international environment and to bring joy and motivation to continuos studies of their music instruments.
In February, 2015, Sigulda Youth Chamber Orchestra and Sigulda Arts School “Baltais Flīģelis” choir visited Bergen in Norway, were a joint concert program together with Nesttun String Orchestra was performed in a famous Griegs hall. Also Bergen girls and boys choirs took part in the concert.
In October, 2015 two concerts in Latvia were prepared and performed participating the Nesttun String Orchestra, Sigulda Youth Chamber Orchestra, Sigulda Arts School choir and Cēsis Elementary school girls choir Con Anima ans Cēsis Secondary school choir Volante. Conductors - Ilga Šķendere, Solveiga Vītoliņa, Sarah Fertig Wang un Pēteris Plūme.
More than 200 young musicians from Norway and Latvia took part in the project. Compositions of famous Norwegian composer Edward Grieg were included in the program as well as Norwegian and Latvian national songs arranged for strings and voices. 13 new arrangements of Latvian national compositions were made by composers Emīls Zilberts and Imants Zemzaris especially for this project.
Pēteris Plūme, conductor of the Siguldas Youth Chamber Orchestra says: “The purpose of this musical project was discoveries. To discover who we are, where our roots are coming from. To discover it with music, songs, searching for the most meaningful pages in our histories and keep it in our memories.
It is essential for us to develop string instrument playing traditions in Sigulda because this is also a strong background of music traditions in Northen Europe and also Germany. This tradition is based on musician skills acquired in a hard work, and these skills let musicians to express themselves in the most complicated form of collaboration in music - a sypmhonic orchestra. We believe that with such projects as we had with Nesttun String Orchestra, we can attract and motivate young people to deeper understanding of culture education and music”.
The project “Latvia - Norway. Discover Folk Tradition in Music” was realized under the program of the Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Latvia and EEZ - "Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage" small grants scheme "Cultural Exchange", co-financed by Sigulda City Council.
Project manager Ilva Urbanoviča
Project manager Øyvind Andersen
Sigulda Youth Chamber Orchestra launches a cultural exchange program with Nesttun String Orchestra from Bergen in Norway
During the exchange program it is planned to prepare and perform a joint concert program for strings and voices that includes Norwegian and Latvian national music elements in a modern and understandable way for young people and children.
New, modern arrangements of Latvian national songs for string orchestra and choir are made specifically for this project by composers Imants Zemzaris un Emīls Zilberts. Also Norwegian national songs arranged for string orchestra and choir will be included in the concert program.
The concert program will be performed for bigger audiences in February, 2015, in Bergen, Norway and in two concerts in Latvia - Sigulda and Cēsis - in October, 2015. For a brighter and more colourfull sound, several youth choirs such as - Sigulda School of Arts “Baltais Flīģelis” 5-9 grade choir, Cēsis 1st Elementary School girls choir, Cēsis Alfrēds Kalniņš Music School choir, Bergen girls and boys choirs - will participate in the concert program.
Besides the rehearsals and concerts other national tradition activities are planned to introduce young musicians to each other to national traditions. Masterclasses of a Hardanger fiddle, a Norwegian national instrument and a meeting with a Hardanger fiddle orchestra in Bergen is planned. And a common Solstice celebration will be organized in Latvia.
Project objective -
To establish an intercultural connection for young musicians through the tradition of national music and culture.
To deepen the understanding and tolerance of other nationalities values, to assess similarities and differences.
To improve the skills of common musicianship between young musicians, to learn to understand different conducting methods and schools.
To develop the international cooperation skills of the young musicians, improve their teamwork skills, to provide an additional motivation for continuous activities in music, set targets for better personal results.
To establish a longterm cooperation and friendship with Nesttun String Orchestra.
To give a big contribution in Latvian music library by making a new arrangements of Latvian national songs in the project.
To provide Latvian and Norwegian music teachers the opportunity for international exchange, to learn other country music teaching traditions.
To prepare and perform a unique Latvian and Norwegian concert program for 2 string orchestras and 2 choirs.
Norway, Bergen, Edward Griegs Hall - February 8, 2015
Latvia, Cēsis, Vidzeme Concert Hall - October 8, 2015
Latvia, Sigulda, concert hall “Baltais Flīģelis” - October 9, 2015
February 06-09, 2015 Sigulda Youth Chamber Orchestra and Sigulda Arts School “Baltais Flīģelis” choir visited Bergen, Norway, as a part of the project “Latvia – Norway. Discover Folk Tradition in Music” financed by European Economic Area Financial mechanism Programme LV04"Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural heritage", Ministry of Culture of Republic of Latvia and Sigulda City Council.
In Bergen Nesttun String Orchestra and Bergen Boys and Girls choirs welcomed Sigulda young musicians to spend together 3 days full of emotions, to know each other and get familiar with each others country and culture. Among rehearsals young musicians had a possibility to know Norwegian national instrument's Hardanger fiddle play and traditions, they visited Grieg's home and museum and lived through the life story of the famous Norwegian composer. Project participants enjoyed a nice evening in Bergen's centre of science and activities “Vilvite” exploring the greatest inventions of Norwegians as well as trying several kinds of sports and power of physics.
On Sunday, February 2 all participants of the project rehearsed and performed in two concerts in Grieg's hall in Bergen. There are worlds top artists from several ganres of music and arts performing in Grieg's hall daily. And that was a great pleasure and experience for project's young musicians to play in such an important place.
In midday we represented our project to listeners and participants of “Vestlandsfestivalen”, the annual orchestra festival of West Norway. And the projects big concert was held in the evening. More than 700 listeners came to enjoy the Latvian and Norwegian traditional music. Latvian national food and traditions as well as video and stories were presented by Bergen's Latvian Society. A reception after the concert was held in Grieg's hall to greet and than all participants of the project.
Next activities of the project “Latvia – Norway. Discover Folk Traditions in Music” are planned in October 6-10, 2015, in Latvia.
Project is financed by
EEZ, KM, Sigulda
Daļu kopsumma: 6154
Publicēšanas datums: 08/01/2015
Pilns nosaukums, reģistrācijas numurs: Siguldas novada dome, 90000048152 |
Pasta adrese: Pils iela 16 |
Pilsēta/Novads: Sigulda |
Pasta indekss: LV 2150 |
Valsts: Latvija |
Kontaktpersonas vārds, uzvārds: Galvenā speciāliste iepirkuma jautājumos Inguna Abzalone |
Tālruņa numurs: 67385945 |
E-pasta adrese: [email protected] |
Faksa numurs: 67971371 |
Interneta adreses: |
□ Ministrija vai jebkura cita valsts vai federāla iestāde, ieskaitot to reģionālās vai vietējās apakšnodaļas |
■ Vispārēji sabiedriskie pakalpojumi |
Pasūtītājs veic iepirkumu citu pasūtītāju vajadzībām Jā ■ Nē □ |
II.1. Iepirkuma līguma nosaukums:
II.2. Līguma veids un būvdarbu veikšanas, pakalpojumu sniegšanas vai piegādes vietaNUTS kods LV00 |
(lūdzu, norādiet tikai vienu veidu, kas vairāk atbilst konkrētajam iepirkumam) |
Būvdarbi □ Piegāde □ Pakalpojumi ■ |
Pakalpojumu kategorijas Nr. 20 |
Būvdarbu veikšanas, pakalpojumu sniegšanas vai piegādes vieta: Siguldas pilsēta |
II.3. Īss būvdarbu veida un apjoma apraksts vai īss piegāžu vai pakalpojumu veida un daudzuma apraksts vai līgumcena
II.4. Iepirkuma nomenklatūra (CPV)
II.5. Kopējā līgumcena, par kuru noslēgts līgums (ieskaitot visas daļas, ietverot visus piemērojamos nodokļus, izņemot PVN)6154 Valūta: EUR |
III.1. Iepirkuma identifikācijas numurs:
Līguma Nr.: 1 Noslēgtā iepirkuma līguma nosaukums: Aviobiļešu iegāde Siguldas Mākslu skolas "Baltais flīģelis" projekta Nr.EEZLV04/GSKA/2013/24 "Latvija-Norvēģija. Atklāj tautas mūzikas tradīcijas" dalībniekiem |
IV.1. Lēmuma pieņemšanas datums |
IV.2. Saņemto piedāvājumu skaits |
IV.3. INFORMĀCIJA PAR UZVARĒTĀJU Pilns nosaukums, reģistrācijas numurs vai fiziskai personai – vārds, uzvārds: Wizz Air Hungary Ltd., Pasta adrese: BUD International Airport, Building 221 Pilsēta/Novads: Budapest, 1185 Pasta indekss: H-1185 Valsts: Ungārija E-pasta adrese: [email protected] Tālruņa numurs: Faksa numurs: Vispārējā interneta adrese (URL): |
IV.4. Informācija par līgumcenu (tikai cipariem) Piedāvātā līgumcena (bez PVN): 6154 Valūta: EUR Kopējā līgumcena, par kuru noslēgts līgums (ietverot visus piemērojamos nodokļus, izņemot PVN): 6154 Valūta: EUR |
V.1. Līgums ir saistīts ar projektu un/vai programmu, ko finansē Eiropas Savienības fondi
JĀ ■ Nē □
Ja jā, atsauce uz projektu (-iem) un/vai programmu (-ām):
1. EEZ finanšu instruments, EEZLV04/GSKA/2013/24 "Latvija-Norvēģija. Atklāj tautas mūzikas tradīcijas"
V.2. Iepirkuma dokumentos ir iekļautas vides aizsardzības prasības
Jā □ Nē ■
Ja jā, norādiet informāciju par šīm prasībām:
V.3. Cita papildu informācija (ja nepieciešams):
I. Cita pasūtītāja adrese, kura vajadzībām pasūtītājs veic iepirkumu
Pilns nosaukums, reģistrācijas numurs (ja piešķirts): Siguldas Mākslas skola "Baltais flīģelis", 90000102143 |
Pasta adrese: Šveices iela 19 |
Pilsēta/Novads: Sigulda |
Pasta indekss: LV-2150 |
Valsts: Latvija |